Wow, time flies! The good thing about posting so infrequently is that I get to report on several milestones that Brady has achieved in the past few months. At my last post Brady was 20 months old and just learning to sit up on his own. A few months later and check this out...
Yes, this is Brady standing on his own during a physical therapy session. He started crawling on his second birthday and is now pulling himself up on furniture and cruising around as long as he has something to hold on to. We don't typically dress Brady in half of a monkey suit but this picture was taken on Halloween and it was just too hot here in Phoenix to wear the whole costume.
Brady seems to have had a huge burst in development after what seemed like an extremely long time with nothing new happening. Sometimes it is hard to see the progress when you spend so much time with your child each day. I am not a patient person and this is something Brady is helping me learn every single day. I remember when he had just turned one and was still barely holding his head up and trying to roll over. We were waiting for a diagnosis and I had this recurring fantasy that I would go in his room to pick him up from a nap and I would find him standing in his crib holding onto the rails. I even moved the mattress down so he wouldn't fall out of the crib when this big miracle happened. I realized the other day that Brady's miracle did happen, just not on my own time frame. I am still trying to get used to him just "appearing" in different places of the house. I love seeing him assert himself and just crawl over to play with whatever he decides he wants. Lately when the house gets too quiet I almost always find him doing this...