Tuesday, May 06, 2008

34 Days & Counting

It's hard to believe Brady has made it over a full month without a single seizure. If some good has to come out of this whole Epilepsy issue, it is that the world looks like a whole new place if you are lucky enough to begin living seizure-free.

Brady is sleeping through the night without the random twitching and jerking of his little body that had been waking him every few minutes. He sleeps in the guest room on a mattress on the floor. Classy, I know. It doesn't hurt if he rolls off the bed in his sleep so his little make-shift bedroom works for now. Brady loves that room for some reason and refuses to sleep anywhere else. He goes right to sleep like a perfect angel, ALL BY HIMSELF, even though his parents tried to mess with his sleeping habits by cuddling him tightly for the past nine months. He usually waddles out to find me when the sun comes up.

We are all sleeping through the night on a regular basis and thankfully have our happy boy back. Milestones are popping up all over the place and Troy and I are feeling comfortable enough to have a babysitter come over on Friday night. Now that I think about it, Brady handled these past few months so much better than we did. He prefers to sleep alone now while we still can't turn off the video monitor. We will get there. Baby steps. Thank goodness for resilient little boys!


Lindsay said...

YEAH! What a miracle! We are soo happy he (and you) are sleeping through the night. I hope you are going to do something fun on Friday!

jenn said...

34 days! And I guess today would make 35!!! Yahoo! What a blessing. And I bet you don't know what to do with yourself getting to sleep through the night...I'm so happy for you all. Have fun on your big date!

Sara said...

What an exciting milestone! And so great that you are all getting a good night's sleep! :) Congrats!

Annalyn said...

Good times abound. I wonder what it is like having to get up with kids all through the night. I guess i'll ask Erin.
By the way I am going to be bitter until the Jazz beat the motha friggin Lakers.

{jane} said...

That is such great news! Have a fun time on Friday night! :)

Jessica said...

Hello Farnsworth Family!
I have spent the last 10 minutes starting from the first of your blog and reading about your precious little man. I told Eric that you had commented on our blog and he told me I needed to make sure I "kept him up" with what is happening with your guy! (he thinks he doesn't have time to blog!) He is jealous that you are enjoying 90 degree days! It is his dream to somehow end up coaching in Arizona I think!

Anyway, loved your blog! You both seem to do an amazing job with your son. We are excited to follow him over the years! Thanks again for saying hello!

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

Thanks for commenting on our blog! It's nice to have a way to keep in touch with old friends that we don't see anymore! We are happy to see the progress that your son is making and pray that it continues! He is such a cute kid! We'll keep in touch with you through the blog!
Craig and Jessica Smith

KatBouska said...

I just wandered into your blog while browsing and I simply could not imagine having to deal with seizures!! Hopefully they are gone for good!!

Annalyn said...

Oh, I'm so excited for you guys. I have read your last several posts, and I'm so glad things are looking good and better. HOpe the AZ is treating you ok!!

Annalyn said...

Sorry - by the way, I say this other comment from an 'Erin' and thought, "I would never that" - so I need to add a picture to my profile to make sure they know when I really comment. But then, I read it again, and thought "it was Joseph!!" So, you probably already figured that out, but oh well!