Monday, November 17, 2008

Just Because

Some pictures. Just because...

...this boy can't be bothered to hold up his own head while watching cartoons

...because I saw a dog wearing sunglasses the other day (only in Phoenix)

...because the other night my wildest dreams came true :-)


Anonymous said...

I wish my wildest dreams would come true. Troy needs to come and teach Bryan and my boys a thing or two about being clean.:) Hopefully your work schedule will calm down and we can get together soon.

{jane} said...

isn't that the truth! TWO men vacuuming - heaven sent!

the dog wearing sunglasses - are you kidding me?!?

jenn said...

Men who clean...literally is a dream come true.

That Brady is so cute I could just squeeze him!

Shay said...

hahahaha!!!! Some of the best pictures I've ever seen!!!

Anonymous said...

You are to funny! I love the pictures. When Josh learns to pick up his toys I'll be happy. If he actually vacuumed I think I would faint. lol I am so happy every time I look at that seizure free count. That is awesome. Have a great night!

Angie said...

Brady continues to be as adorable as ever. I sure hope I get to meet all of you at a conference someday! Maybe in Indy. I enjoyed the pictures...are the two of them for hire? I could use some help with my house work! Take care. Send some warmth from AZ to IL soon okay.

Tonya said...

Oh, I love it when people (other than me) clean the house! Especially when it's my kids. So awesome.

Jessica said...

I LOVE the pics of Troy and Brady vacuuming. I showed Eric and he giggled!!! Hey, we are going private so if you would like an invite just shoot us your email address!!!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

{jane} said...

dates. I want a DATE that you are going to be in Utah, and a DATE that you are going to visit the Rhodes... :) We can let the kids play here for a bit and get a sitter for us to go to dinner... Brody will love it.