Kissy kissy!
Friday, February 29, 2008
More Signing Time & Sunny Days
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fun In The Sun
We have been trying to teach Brady to drink from an open cup forever. Brady is NOT a fan yet will gladly "drink" tennis balls!?! This is Brady's favorite place to go - it was packed today!
Happy weekend, Everybody!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Phoenix Anyone?

Can you believe our weather forecast? Is this just plain cruel to all of you up north? Carolyn, did I tell you my little brother is on a Rochester-area mission? So far he has been in very rural areas (currently in Warsaw) so I don't get the impression he is near where you live.
Anyway, here's to sending some sunshine to Utah and NY! We will be wishing for your forecasts when our's approaches 120 this summer.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Coming Up For Air
On a brighter note, the powers that be at work have assured me I can work from home whenever and as much as I want. I don't think I'm disciplined enough to make that work but it's a huge relief to know I have the option. Also, we ran to the grocery store this morning to give Brady some fresh air and find something he might actually eat. This is who we saw...

We saw him but I didn't dare talk to him because A)I was too star struck and B)hello, I looked awful and there were cameras everywhere! I am actually quite obsessed with the Oprah show and its many experts. Troy loves to poke fun at me for this and has already pointed out how ridiculous it is that I didn't go talk to "my idol."
There is one other thing that has made Troy and I so very happy lately and it is this clip. Apparently the whole world has seen this video but us. We have been speaking in bad British accents now for days.
I know it seems like all we blog about is seizures but we're just in the midst of one of those clusters. We can't seem to think about or get much else done but we know it will pass. We will get this medication thing figured out and our lives will start to feel normal again. Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments, thoughts and prayers. It boosts our spirits more than you know.
Friday, February 08, 2008
So far so good with the medicine and he is very good to take his "Medicine Candy". As Kajsa noted in an earlier post, some of our posts may seem like a little too much info but we are hoping that someone will be helped in some way shape or form by stumbling into our blog. We have learned so much from others and hope we can do the same for someone else.
The one thing we truly regret through this whole process is not buying security cameras for the house earlier in the process as we witnessed Brady having a seizure in his sleep the first day we had the camera monitors set up (if only we would have had a recorder set up at the time). All but one of Brady's seizures have been during either a nap or while sleeping at night. We realized that we don't know how many seizures he has had in his bed by himself without our knowing. This left a sick feeling in our stomachs knowing that Brady has been alone at times having seizures. Second guessing yourself is not a fun activity and we are getting way too good at it. You will find much better descriptions of seizures and medications than I gave at

(This picture was actually taken in Utah last spring...thought it may bring hope to everyone that the snow really does eventually stop!!)
Thursday, February 07, 2008
All Done
I haven't seen Brady for a few days due to working some long hours lately. When I got home last night I picked him up and proceeded to kiss, kiss, kiss on his cheeks. He took one look at me and signed "all done." He then showed me his sign for "Mom" and "Signing Time" and pointed to the TV.
Translation: "Bleh... stop kissing me already, Mom! Oh, and turn on my show."
He is growing up so fast! Thank goodness he now has a way to tell me.
Here he is signing "all done taking pictures" as he watches his favorite DVD...
And another picture because this chair and this boy make me so happy...
I got this La-Z-Boy for Christmas. It rocks while reclining and has already seen me through many sleepless nights with Brady. He goes through periods when his body twitches and jerks which wakes him up every few minutes. It helps if Troy sleeps with him and can put a little bit of pressure on Brady's arms or legs. Until we got the chair I couldn't sleep with Brady and Troy has had to shoulder this burden alone. Now I put Brady's head on the fluffy arm rest and during those nights when his little body just can't calm down he sleeps on me while I hug his arms and legs. I can sleep so much better knowing there is no risk of rolling over onto him and the fact that he can't kick me all night long in this position. Hands down, the best Christmas present ever!