Me-Do you want signing time?
B - Brady shakes his head for no
Me - Do you want a drink?
B - Brady shakes his head for no
Me - Show me the sign for what you want
B - Shows me his sign for "signing time"
Me - (exasperated) Brady, TOUCH what you want
B - Waddles over to his bucket of toys and touches the lid
Me - Oh, do you want me to open your bucket?
B - (excitedly) "Yeeeaahhhh. Yeah."
WORDS. THEY WERE WORDS. Clear, perfectly formed words. Words with no consonants, but words nonetheless. Troy and I whipped our heads around and watched each other's jaws hit the floor. "Did that REALLY just happen?" Troy confirmed that it did indeed happen and that I wasn't dreaming or high from my cold medicine. Then Troy made a simple statement that moves me to tears now that I think about it. "Do you realize that we just heard what his voice really sounds like for the first time?" We did. And it was the most beautiful, nasal little boy voice we could have ever imagined.
We tried to shrug it off as a fluke, not wanting to get too excited. Brady has, on occasion, answered "eeeeeees" as "yes" to questions. And then he forgets how to do it for months at a time. But Troy just called me at work to tell me that he got another "Yeah" when he started the car and asked Brady if he wanted to listen to his music.