It catches me off guard every time Brady takes off on his own towards whatever catches his interest. Our communication with him is currently limited to his signing and pointing, following his eye contact, and a lot of guessing. Walking independently has improved this process as Brady can get to most of the things he wants. Often he will sneak up behind me and growl to scare me. He then leads me by the hand to our brown chair to read books.
The feeling of his hand in mine as we walk side by side is indescribable. This is something I have silently hoped for but have learned not to assume would happen. I stopped wishing for these milestones aloud and instead have tried to accept whatever may or may not come. This approach has lessened the sting when therapist after therapist says "he will never speak." And this approach has made every milestone, no matter how seemingly insignificant, all the more reason to rejoice. As a parent to a child with special needs I have learned there is a fine line between hope and denial. It's a tight rope I continue to learn to walk every day. It is in this way that Brady and I have learned to walk together. He is a stronger force and a more significant teacher than I could ever have imagined before he came into my life. Love you, Bubs.
I just LOVE that last picture of Brady. Jason and I looked at it for quite awhile this evening. It truly made us smile. What a sweet and special boy. You are very lucky parents. I understand that feeling of unfulfilled expectations, but I am so happy to see Brady is making progress in so many areas. You description of hope and denial was perfect. I just love reading about your sweet family.
woo-hoo!!! That's so awesome that he's walking, and I love the description of him taking your hand and leading you to the brown chair.
I love the pictures, and I don't think I've ever mentioned this but I just love Brady's curls, they are to die for!
This is so sweet! I'm so happy for you guys and so glad that Brady is making progress! He's so incredibly cute and I love those photos!
All I can say is YES! I am so glad Brady is back to making progress and that his seizures are headed into remission. He is doing so well on his feet! It's wonderful to see. Walking hand in hand with your child is such a beautiful thing. It's the kind of thing we appreciate all the more when we have to work for it.
Please give Brady a high five for me!
Okay, first, I am so very proud of Brady and so very excited for you over his progress! Every milestone is a triumoh for all of you!
And also, Kajsa, this is so beautiful and so touching! I am really not much of a "cry"-er, so I am not sure if it is just because I am more sentimental, being pregnant, or what, but your descriptions and wonderful choice of words brought me nearly to tears. I am choked up as I type this comment... keep up the great posts! I love to hear how you are all doing!
Kajsa, can I just tell you how much you inspire me? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. I appreciate your honesty and perspective. So glad to have such great friends like you.
Give Brady a huge thumbs up for us! I'm so happy for him (and you) that this medication is right and working so well for him. Yay!!
Thank you so much for sending me the link to taht blog. I have been reading it all day. THANK YOU and thank you for always understanding me. Have a happy day. :)
Yeah, I found your blog through Nate. I read your last post and it was like you were talking for me. It is so reassuring to know that as parents of special needs children we are not in this alone and we share many of the same thoughts and emotions. I'm adding your blog to my favorites right now. How old is Brady?
Atta boy Brady!!!
Yea for Brady and new RX!!!!
Awsome that he is leaping and bounding (well almost) on! What a relief!
Thanks for the well wishes!
Glad you two got some date time! Isn't it funny how you forget how great it is to be alone every now and then?
Kajsa, You are so poetic and talented. I felt like I was reading a bestseller. Congrats to Brady and to his wonderful parents for raising him right. Troy, thanks for the laughs on our blog. Glad you caught our sarcasm for our title.
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