Thursday, February 07, 2008

All Done

Brady has been learning sign language and is up to about 20 signs. He periodically surprises me with new signs he learns with Dad while I am at work. He recently learned "mama" and often signs "mama" when I'm not home. While I don't love the fact that he is missing me while I'm at work (ooooh, the guilt!) I love that he is better able to communicate with us.
I haven't seen Brady for a few days due to working some long hours lately. When I got home last night I picked him up and proceeded to kiss, kiss, kiss on his cheeks. He took one look at me and signed "all done." He then showed me his sign for "Mom" and "Signing Time" and pointed to the TV.
Translation: "Bleh... stop kissing me already, Mom! Oh, and turn on my show."
He is growing up so fast! Thank goodness he now has a way to tell me.
Here he is signing "all done taking pictures" as he watches his favorite DVD...

And another picture because this chair and this boy make me so happy...

I got this La-Z-Boy for Christmas. It rocks while reclining and has already seen me through many sleepless nights with Brady. He goes through periods when his body twitches and jerks which wakes him up every few minutes. It helps if Troy sleeps with him and can put a little bit of pressure on Brady's arms or legs. Until we got the chair I couldn't sleep with Brady and Troy has had to shoulder this burden alone. Now I put Brady's head on the fluffy arm rest and during those nights when his little body just can't calm down he sleeps on me while I hug his arms and legs. I can sleep so much better knowing there is no risk of rolling over onto him and the fact that he can't kick me all night long in this position. Hands down, the best Christmas present ever!


{jane} said...

CUTE pictures, and that is so awesome that Brady is learning sign language! Evidently, that smile is hiding a great sense of humor that his signing will share with everyone! It seems he's made a lot of progress lately and that chair sounds like heaven for you...

jenn said...

Funny to think that if someone told you when you were a kid that someday a "chair" would be your BEST Christmas present ever you probably would have cried...isn't it amazing what we can appreciate as adults? (like the dyson vaccuum Chris gave me for Mother's day...another SUPER present!)

Such cute pictures of Brady.

And I wanted to ask you if the videos he loves are called "Signing Time"? I think they are...anyway, I found out that my neighbor and all three of her kids are in those movies. I guess she knows the woman who created them. Just wondering...

Unknown said...

The kid knows what he wants! I love that!
Isn't it funny that they can "miss" you all day and that need is filled in all of two seconds when you get home!!! Really, didn't you miss me at least a minute worth?!!!
Love that chair!
Glad that you checked out my sister's blog. It's good to know we aren't alone in our struggles right?