Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Good

Lately our days have go one way or the other - terribly bad or insanely good. I am happy to report that today was of the insanely good variety! I am learning quickly to better appreciate the good days so they can carry me through the challenging ones.
Today started off like this ...
I get a secret thrill over Brady's obsession with reading. He has a Signing Time book and can recognize what the characters are signing and will often sign back. In his own way Brady is reading. So take that, you 16-month old reading prodigy I saw on the Today Show!
Here he is a few minutes later clinging to my sweats while I am trying to get ready.
Just as I start to feel annoyed that my hair will dry funny and that my pants are falling off Brady asks for "up", grabs both of my cheeks, plants a giant kiss on me, lunges to get back down and goes about his merry way throwing toys into the bathtub. I could not ask for a sweeter boy.
Later on...

Today Raising Special Kids held their annual Special Day for Special Kids at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park in Scottsdale. We had so much fun last year we have been counting down the days and praying Brady would have a good day.
I have to admit I was not a fan of the petting zoo. I was wearing flip flops and was way too worried about stepping in poo.

We ran into a good friend from our music therapy group at Foundation for Blind Children and watched baby Z for a few minutes. Brady is getting old enough to touch babies "soft." Woo hoo!

By the way, Brady is blessed with perfectly normal vision. The kind staff at Foundation for Blind Children took us in simply because his eyes are extremely sensitive to sunlight (why he is always wearing sunglasses in outdoor pics). We are extremely fortunate to be involved with these organizations and I really wish something similar existed in Utah.

Thanks for reading about our day. I hope yours was as good as ours. :-)


Sara said...

Such a fun time! Love the carousel and train ride pics! My boys would have gone nuts!

And I'm never a fan of petting zoos either. Sweaty, stinky animals shedding all over them and never enough hand-sanitizer. (This is why we have a lizard although my boys are begging for something with fur... I just can't do it!)

What a great Foundation! We do need something like that here! I have a good friend with a little boy who was born with anencephaly. They would LOVE more opportunities to make friends with other families. I wonder how hard it is to start a local chapter?

Anyway, glad you had a great time!

P.S. Matt STARTED on his Man tag... woo! Progress! :)

Sara said...

Oh, and I forgot! What a SWEET shot of Brady smiling up at you! And that is SO VERY cool that he can recognize and sign back with the kids in the books! AWESOME! :)

Tami said...

Brady is getting so big! And I love those curls! We miss seeing your family and think of you often.

jenn said...

Thanks for the reminder to appreciate the good days in spite of the bad. Having the opportunity to be thankful for the good ones is probably the only benifit of having those crappy days!

Brady is such a cutie. I loved all the great pictures and that he was feeling well on his fun play day. What a great support system you have there...makes me forgive you just a tiny bit more for moving away and making us miss you all so much! =)

{jane} said...

What a fun day! It is so great that you have access to all these foundations/organizations for Brady.

I got a new computer last weekend and I'm still in the middle of adding programs, updating software, tweaking it to make it uniquely mine...and I have been m.i.a. in the blogging world for a few days, I'm peeking in now, but hope to be back soon!