Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Long Time No Blog

It has been well over two months since the last time I updated the blog and I am well aware that the excuse of the holidays has more than expired. Here is a quick run down on what we have been doing since my last post.

We spent Christmas in Utah and tried to catch up with as many friends as possible in a short amount of time. I was able to visit my old office and catch lunch with my friend Mary. I was also able to see Mindy, Natalie and Michelle. It’s such a challenge to keep up with each other after everyone moves away and I am so glad that our friends have made the time and effort to keep in touch!

We were back in Phoenix for about a week and then Troy and Brady went back to Utah for Grandma Crawford’s (Troy’s grandma) funeral. Troy was also able to participate in a colon cancer research study at the University of Utah with three of his siblings. It’s funny that the one time they were able to spend time together without the kids involved colonoscopy preparation… yikes! It was a positive experience overall especially because one of them had a polyp removed that turned out to be pre-cancerous. All is well and for Troy, the peace of mind was well worth the discomfort.

I stayed in Phoenix during the boys’ January visit home to work and attend real estate appraisal classes. Needless to say I couldn’t wait for the boys to get home at the end of January. I luckily squeezed in a weekend visit home so the most I went without seeing them was ten days. This is the longest I have been away from Brady and I was, of course, a complete mess. I’m pretty sure Brady missed me too because when I picked him up to hold him at the airport he wouldn’t let me look anywhere but at his face. He would literally grab my cheeks and turn them back towards him so I would be paying direct attention to him at all times. I am so relieved this round of classes is over because they were adding an extra four hours to my existing work days.
As for February… Troy and Brady were busy with therapy and various Dr.’s appointments. I have a weird obsession with counting the total number of appointments they have each month and February totaled 22! Brady is currently seeing physical, occupational, speech, and developmental therapists every week. Other appointments in February included his 18 month checkup (75th percentile and healthy!) and evaluations by hearing and vision specialists. So far Brady has passed these exams with flying colors.

A few weekends ago Brady and I attended a sign language class held by a friend of my sister’s in Fountain Hills. I could post an entire blog on this subject so why on earth do I forget to bring my camera to these things? Brady is still not using consonants so sign language is going to be his only means of communication for the foreseeable future. He has learned two signs so far (waving for “hi” and “bye” and “more”) and just got his “Signing Time” videos in the mail from Grandma so hopefully there will be more signs to follow.